Rollercoaster Tycoon E=mc2

Question for Roller Coaster Tycoon. Hey guyz.My name is stacey and i have the roller coaster tycoon deluxe thing. I heard that theres a cheat that if you find guest #1 and name him e=mc2 and guest #2 and name him e=mc3 they brainstorm and do research and stuff. I wanted to do that but i can never get guest #1 or guest #2.

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Go Go Go Karts

If you are good at making 'go karts' then listenup. If you make the number of laps 5 to 10, youwill have the excitment rating HIGH!!

Arid Hights Warning

In the scenario 'Arid Hights', your main concern is keping you park rating above 700. If you have a park rating below 700, you will recieve a warning that says if your park rating doesn't reach above 700, your park will closed down for good. Then you'll have to start all over again!

Making Bundles Money When You Start

When your just starting a park, make sure you build a rollercoaster to attract guests. Then build some thrill rides to contain the guests. Then, raise the park enterence fee to $15.00. Then, the money will pour in with the rollercoaster bringing in so many guests. This is the best way to start off a park.

Vertigo Views

On the scenario 'Vertigo Views' you can set thehyper coasters admission price up to 9 dollars.

Making Money For Coaster Building Challenges

In any scenario where you can't have a parkenterence fee and you need to build coasters tobeat the scenario,this will only work.Start off apark like you would for any park.Make alot ofmoney to pay off the bank loan of $15,000.ThenMake at least $5,000 after that and start on oneof the coasters you have to build or finishbuilding(like 'Volcania' for instance).This isthe easiest way to finish a coaster buildingscenario.

The Bottomless Pit

To extend your research by leaps and bounds, findGuest #1 and rename him 'E=MC2'. Then find guest#2 and rename him 'E=MC3'. The two will meet andbegin brainstorming. Shortly thereafter they willask to be hired on as the park’s researchdevelopers. Say 'yes' and pour your resourcesinto the think tank. The following year, researchand development will have grown by leaps andbounds. You will have all of the latest rides andnearly a billion dollars to spend!

Utopia At Mega Park

To unlock Mega Park, a scenario with a sprawlingplot of land and no objectives, you must completeall other scenarios.

Retain Ride Popularity

To retain a scary ride’s popularity, simplydelete a segment of track and replace it with thesame thing. The guests will be fooled intothinking that the amusement has been improved andwill continue flocking to it!

Receive A One Million Dollar Gift

To get lots of money for your park, close it downfor one full year! Afterwards, a man dressed in ablue suit and holding a clipboard will give you alittle “helpful money” ($1,000,000).

Maximizing Productivity Of Shops And Stalls

Location is the key to maximizing profits! Here are a few business tips: Don’t squeeze stores together. They will compete for customers and their prices will fall. Put shops and stalls near the rear of the park, NOT at the entrance. Once tired and hungry guestshave walked all the way to the back, they will be more than willing to pay higher prices for snacks.

Stinky Staff

Save Your Park From Disaster After A Ride Blows Up

When a ride in your park blows up, the icon forthat ride will automatically popo up on thescreen, no matter where you are in your park.When this happens, hit the pause button in thetop lefthand corner as soon as possible. Then onthe bottom right of the icon for the ride thatjust exploded, click the button with the four redarrows. This will take you to where itexploded. KEEP THE GAME PAUSED!!! Now hit theconstruction button that shows you your buildingoptions. Look for a cheap ride that people like,like a 3D cinema or a spiral slide. Unpause thegame and immediately build this dinky ride in thelocation of the ride that crashed. FOLLOWING ALLTHESE CONFUSING STEPS WILL KEEP YOUR PARK RATINGFROM DROPPING TOO MUCH!

Vandalism And Trash And Vomit

If you see a piece of path that has vandalism,trash or vomit on it, put a trash can there andhire a security guard. It helps!


Don't build big pretty gardens! (a few flowershere and there is great) but not really bigones! Once I built this really cool garden, andhalf my park (2,000 some)got all upset becausethey were getting lost even when they had aboutten maps!

Vandalism And Trash!

Many people will come in your park and get mad.(especially if you have alot of dead ends and bigpatches of path) Don't build lots of paths!It's a mess!

Get A Cool Desert Park Right After Opening!

On desert parks (especially Arid Heights), thosepoor people who come in long pants get hot. Butthey LOVE water rides. The first ride you shouldbuild is a Demon Drop. If you have LoopyLandscapes and are a tycoon know it all, youhopefully know what Demon Drop is. It's a waterslide, and it is NOT custom built (built byyou). Build a couple demon drops at the front ofyour park. People will rush in, and they willlove it. REMEMBER to build a really really longque line!!!!!!!!!!!


Name someone Richard Tan and he will walk aroundthe park pickpocketing people!

Moving Grass/People

(Works best at Arid Heights) Make a LARGE squareand put 'NO ENTRY' Signs facing inward. Peoplewill walk in. When you have at least 75 people,use the ground tool to raise the ground up anddown. WATCH THE PEOPLE FLY!!!

Boxing Time

If you have guests that are really mad, then makea little box by rasing your land and it will givethat guest time to cool down and gain his/herhappiness and increase your ratings!!

Quack Or Pop

Click on a duck and it will quack. If you click on a balloon that is in the air flying away it will pop. Note: This doesn't help at all, it's just fun!

Custom Ride Music

To build a 'WINNER' (A Themepark) that is a winner follow these 20 very easysteps.

More Money Fast

Make all of your rides free. And then put your entrance fee way up high. More people will want to come to your park!

Avoid Making Intense Rides

Yes, we all know how much it sucks to make a totally awesome rollercoaster only to find out moments later that it's to intense for your guests, so here's 5 easy ways to avoid intensity:

Cut Grass Yourself!

Many people become frusterated because allHandyman ever do is cut grass! But hey, somebodyhas to do it. Guess what, that somebody can beyou! First of all, click on your handyman thenclick on his pointers ( what he can and can notdo, the picture is a hand pointed like a gun)change it so the handyman isn't allowed to cutgras. Now cut all of the grass you want byselecteing your lower/raise ground technique,click on the area you want to cut and presto, thegrass is neatly cut.

Guests That Never Leave


If you want to stop guests from leaving yourpark, but up a banner sign right infront of theexit from your park. Then click the No-Entrysymbol. Guests will not be able to go past thesign, however, this really makes your park ratingdrop, and makes the guests mad, NOT RECOMMENDEDAT ARID HEIGHTS!


To build a 'WINNER' (A Themepark) that is a winner follow these 20 very easy steps.1.Never borrow debt from the bank unless you absolutely need it.2.Always, Always, Always when you borrow debt make sure you pay it back because after you pay it in, you earn bundles, and bundles more than you did before and even faster than you did before.3.Space your food stands away from each other, and never charge over $4.00 for them otherwise you will lose buissness.4.Everytime you build two rides then charge $5.00 more to enter the park. But if you build a roller coaster that people like then you can automaticly charge $5.00 more for the entrance fee, But if it sags low in the crowds demolish it and do not charge the $5.00.5.Always give your attractions 'Names'.6.Put a bench near a ride that has a high nasea or high intensity rated rides.7.Put a bathroom after every ride you make or almost every ride you make.8.give your attraction a theme and give it a cool name to go with the theme.9.Put benches and trash cans next to food stands and be sure to space them.10.To make some of your attractions have a better excitement rating on a ride higher make it under ground or parts of it underground. But remember not all attractions can be put under ground.11.Make you rides play music but not all the rides as it might be disturbing to your guests in the park.12.Also if you can paint your attraction do it definitely it attracts crowds.13.Try making twin roller coasters and add a racing mode to them.14.Always test your rides before you open them.15.Make sure to put lots of scenery in your park.16.Break your park into sections.17.Be careful not to get hooked up into a certain type of ride and add lots of variety to your park.18.When you are in the icon in selecting what ride you would like to build--look down to where it says other info--read that to get advice.19.Put alot of entertainers to improve your guests happiness.20.Build you way from the back of the park forwards.ADVICEThe best advice in the workd I can give you is just to have fun building in your park.

Invisible Trees

If your press Shift+$ at the same time it willmake the trees look practicly invisible.

Slow Go-Kart Driver

Enter 'Chris Sawyer' as a guest name to have them walk around and take pictures of your park.

Painting Guest

Enter 'Simon Foster' as a guest name to have them walk around and paint pictures in your park.

Waving Guest

Enter 'Katie Brayshaw' as a guest name to have them walk around and wave to everyone they meet.

Hungry Guest

Enter 'Melanie Warn' as a guest name.

Double Payment For Rides Guest

Enter 'John Wardley' as a guest name.

Faster Go-Karts

Enter 'Damon Hill' as a guest name. Enter 'Michael Schumacher' as a guest name to race even faster.

We have no unlockables for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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We have no achievements or trophies for RollerCoaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapes yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

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  • Ascended Fanon: RCT3 and onwards calls guests 'peeps', which was an uncommon Fan Nickname for guests in the RCT2 community.
  • Development Hell:
    • World was originally announced in 2014, later slated for an early 2015 release date at first. However, consistently poor feedback from testers and underwhelming reception caused the project to restart numerous times and shuffle developers, with the final product not getting released until November 2016. And even then, it still ended up in an Obvious Beta state at best.
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    • A hybrid live action/CGI film based on the games (yes, really) was announced back in 2010. However, beyond a single announcement, the movie never did come to fruition and nothing was mentioned of it after that.
  • Dueling Games:
    • With Theme Park early on.
    • World is currently going against Planet Coaster (which is made by RCT3 developers Frontier Developments), Parkitect (a 3D RCT1/2 throwback made by a smaller development team named Texel Raptor that was funded via Kickstarter), and Theme Park Studio (no relation to the Theme Park series, but this game was also funded via Kickstarter, and has VR support along with a handful of unique features). Needless to say, despite having the most recognizable name, RCT World is losing big time.
  • Follow the Leader: Railroad Tycoon, the first game with 'Tycoon' in the name, predates this game by nine years, and Chris Sawyer's very own Transport Tycoon also predates it by five years. Nonetheless, it was RollerCoaster Tycoon that codified and popularized the idea, and the vast majority of simulation games with 'Tycoon' in their name were created by other companies in order to capitalize on this game's success. The magazine PC Gamer eventually created a 'Tycoon' genre for classification in their game reviews because of this. With the exception of Zoo Tycoon, they were pretty much all Shovelware.
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  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: As of 2017, Due to an ongoing lawsuit between Atari and Frontier Developments, all digital releases of RCT3 were pulled from sale.
  • Missing Episode:
    • The Promo & Competition parks for the original seemed to have been lost to the public, until they were rediscovered and uploaded here.
    • For unknown reasons, the Loopy Landscapes scenario Urban Jungle is not available to play in RCT Classic.
  • Screwed by the Network: For some people, RCT3's poor performance was an example of this, with people blaming the developers for not spending more time to fix it. Given that Technology Marches On, however, the game has become much more Vindicated by History.
  • Schedule Slip: World was initially supposed to have a full release in December 2015, but after the first of two beta weekends, Nvizzio accounted for the feedback they received and decided that they needed more time to finish the game, changing it to Early Access in early 2016.
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  • Sleeper Hit: The developers had no intentions of creating the next big thing, especially when you consider that this was a 2D game in the middle of the Video Game 3D Leap era, but it was a massive success.
  • Troubled Production: World, a hundred times over, World. Between going through no fewer than four developers, a year's worth of delays and development restarts, a trailer and an early access that both garnered scathing reception, and being released the day before another game that had already won past fans of the franchise after it was far too late for this game to make any recoveries, plus also being close to yet another theme park sim's release, RCTW is pretty much in the running as a de facto example of how not to cash in on a brand AAA game name.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: There's a lot of fake cheats that circulate on 'cheat codes' websites for RCT1, such as:
    • Fake 'guest name' cheats:
      • Big Bucks, who never runs out of money.
      • Richard Branson, who gives a lot of money to every guest.
      • Tony Day, who eats a lot of hamburgers.
      • John Mace, who either pays double for ride entry or rides for free depending on your source.
      • Richard Tan, who pickpockets guests.
      • Renaming Guest 1 to 'E=MC2' and Guest 2 to 'E=MC3' would make a dialog window appear asking if you want to be part of their enhancement team. If you accept, this would supposedly give better rides and much faster R&D. The tricky part is to find those exact two guests: even in parks that start out empty, the guest numbering doesn't necessarily start at #1 due to guests wandering in and out during the park creation process (for example, the first Forest Frontiers guest is #3).
      • According to this official FAQ, there were many rumors that used to circulate that naming the guests after terrorists or other evil characters will cause them to wreak havoc in the park. We say 'used to' since the FAQ says the publishers will take legal action against websites that perpetuate those rumors and they seem to have been successful in that matter.
    • Pressing Enter + 'M' while the Finances window is open will give the player $5,000, but it can only be done once a month.
    • Removing a segment from a past-its-prime rollercoaster and rebuilding the exact same one is supposedly enough to trick the guests into thinking it's a new ride, making it popular again. Similarly, repainting it would also do the trick, but painting it orange or green would cause the guests to complain.
  • What Could Have Been: This page relating the development of RCT1 shows several rides and features that never made it into the game, such as rusty tracks and exploded tracks. The above-linked official FAQ also mentions that an early Beta version of the game had the ability to build rides underground (similar to the 'press Shift to adjust the ride's height' feature introduced in RCT2), which was eventually scrapped due to it causing too many problems.
  • Working Title: For most of the development, the original game was called White Knuckle.


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