Rollercoaster Tycoon Buying Land

  1. Buying Land Florida

I'm playing Dynamite Dunes, and while I don't really care for the desert motif, this is my second and most successful park. I have over $80,000 and have bought all the available land, and have no debt. But now, no more land is for sale, and no land ever had any construction rights available, so I cannot expand anymore.

  • Land purchase: In previous RCT titles, land could be purchased in small amounts. This gave each park a unique feel, as each park was uniquely shaped and sized. With goals sometimes being based off of the park size. In the current state, every park is a large, boring square. With the option to purchase even more large, non-unique squares. Another land feature that would be great, is the 'Construction rights' feature. This allowed the player to purchase land, that they could build above, or below, but not on.

  • Coaster builder: The Coaster builder is my favorite part of the game so far. You guys have done a wonderful job with the coaster builder. I could build a free form coaster fairly easily, however, I attempted to build a coaster in piece by piece 'mode' and I ran into some issues. One of them being that you can't build the track very close to each other, even when they have linear alignment. As you can see, there are fairly large gaps between each segment.

  • Ride entrance/exit: Customization is key to a successful RCT title. Currently, players are forced to work with the entrance and exit that is given to them. Even if they are facing in the completely opposite direction, in which we want them to face. That is, without completely turning the ride around, which isn't a very appealing solution. Even then, this is a limited solution. I find this most annoying on coaster stations, where there is a long exit path that I cannot edit at all. It gives me no choice but to build off of the exit that has been predetermined for me, even if it is in an awful location in relation to my park. For flat rides, I would recommend as a solution, the ability to at least 'swap' the entrance and exit (think mirror image).

Buying Land Florida

  • Ride 'value':Other than the coaster builder, nothing made this game feel like an RCT title. That is other than the worst aspect of the original. Not to gripe, but seriously, you guys brought over the absolutely worst part of the original RCT, that is the devaluation of the rides. From a realistic stand point, I don't know anyone that enters a park, and says 'I refuse to pay that much for said ride, because it was built three years ago!' While some devaluation is understandable, I sure hope I don't see the same problem that occurred in the original. Where guests would simply refuse to even pay $0.10 for a ride, because it was 'old,' even if they paid $4.00 for it when it was new. This was a bit of a 'game breaker' because eventually many rides couldn't be in your park, unless they operated at a loss, as guests would not pay for them.

  • Camera: The current camera feels restrictive when you reach the edge of your park. Perhaps allowing the camera to move slightly outside the park perimeter, would make it feel a little less restrictive. As it's nice to look at the front of your park, and watch guests come in, which you are able to do, but not very much, and you feel 'trapped' in your park.

  • Prices: Again, customization is key. Prices being restricted to a quarter, makes you feel like you don't have much control over what you charge for each item/ride. Economics mattered in past games, and if you charged $2.80, instead of $2.70, it could hurt your sales.
  • Guests: I'm sure this is a known issue, but it becomes clear almost immediately that there are not many different guest models. As an easy solution (comparatively) I would suggest 'copy and pasting' the guests, and modifying it so they have different colored clothes. This way the similar guests will not stand out like a sore thumb. Instead of the same teenage boy all wearing blue shorts and a blue tank top. Have one wearing red shorts with a black stripe/black tank top, another with silver shorts and green stripe/green tank top, and so on.

  • Paths: Another issue I've noticed, is path customization. While we can create almost any path we want, when it comes to connecting those paths, some issues arise. One of those issues, is that the path wants to snap to the nearest node, it doesn't allow me to create a straight path, right next to another one. No matter what I tried, I couldn't create a straight path in this situation. My best solution was to create a slightly curved path.

  • Terrain: I'm sure it's been mentioned many times before, one word, cliffs.

Rollercoaster tycoon ipad buy land
  • Balloon stall/Balloons/other stalls: Okay, the balloons don't even look like balloons, they look like a toy on a stick. Secondly, everyone has the same balloon. Third, please just give us a plain old balloon, we would be very happy with it. Fourth, the option to choose the color of the balloons you sale (by stall), just like in previous titles, same goes for umbrellas.

  • Ride menu: Getting down to the nit picky stuff here, but the fact that the ride windows say 'Stop' and 'Open' is highly annoying. You wouldn't tell someone driving a car to 'Go' and 'Close.' It may be just me, but it just seems very odd this combination even made it this far. 'Open' and 'Close' works fine thank you.

Thankyou for your time to anyone who read all of that. To those at Atari, keep up the great work!